
Prior to Weekend in Dallas

8:06 AM

Wrapping up my project in Dallas soon, I am super excited. So long to all the flight delays and bad flight karma, I have enough of you! But before I officially roll off a week from now, let me share with you some amazing time I had the week I went to a Rangers game and to downtown Dallas!

Second night of some random week, our Senior Managers decided that we would go for a team party with the client. And what better way to spend it at a Rangers game!

While the chances for the Rangers to win was low, the Rangers won!

And the best part of the game was where those girls with the flags would run every time there's a home run. I don't know why, but I found it super amusing.

The next day, a coworker and I decided to go downtown after work, and the experience was amazing, even though it was probably 30 degrees celcius. Yes, I was able to leave at 5PM for once whereby my coworker and I headed for downtown Dallas! It was a long ride, because of traffic, but why wouldn't there be no traffic? It's rush hour. So we waited. As soon as we got off, we were near enough to the Reunion Tower for a nice picture.

But the key attraction that day was not the Reunion Tower. It was more of the JFK Assassination Memorial that was there along with the Reunion Tower in the background.

I believe there's still a lot of controversy about how he was assassinated (i.e. who was it really, and where was the shot fired). Even my uber driver today talked about it. But what we know for sure were the two shots that were fired, and the "X"s marked on the road. Can you spot them?

We stopped over at a smokehouse afterwards for some classic style Texan BBQ. The place looked sketchy, but it's often the sketchiest places that you find surprises!

To wrap it off the night, my coworker and I went to West Elm to try out some beers at a local brewery. Brain Dead suited us, since we were pretty much brain dead from work. I loved it!

The beers were great, and definitely a lot of options to choose from!

And to heading back to the hotel for the night, we spotted something. Do you see what I see?

(Answer: Sunset in the reflection, but the correct answer is my firm's office in Dallas :P)

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