Spring colors in Amsterdam

7:02 PM

Okay, so it's now autumn in Canada (northern hemisphere), but it's spring in the southern hemisphere... so technically this post still kinda works! My trip to Amsterdam happened in the spring of 2018... I know it's a tad late, but as I always say, it's better late than never.

This trip took place right after my Paris trip before I returned back to Canada in the spring of 2018. I've been to Amsterdam when I was a very young and I could hardly remember anything. According to my parents, it was the place where I learned what bridges were... or was it London? I don't recall. But any case, the purpose of this trip was to see the beautiful tulips in Amsterdam at the infamous Keukenhof in Lisse.

It was a rather cold spring, and I ended up wearing lots of layers. Not all the tulips were fully bloomed, but we made the best of it. Here's a recap of my favourites at the Keukenhof.

Aside from Keukenhof, I also explored a bit of Amsterdam of the 3 days that I was there, including:
1) Heineken Museum
For beer lovers, highly recommend you to leave a good chunk of time here as you have an opportunity to drink 2.5 pints of beer for free. At the end of the museum, you are literally at a bar just drinking beer and mingling with friends / new friends! I, personally, only stayed here for 2 hours. It was very interesting, and I got to learn how beer was made, etc. My key takeaway from here was that Heineken taste how they taste like is because of Yeast A. 

2) Van Gogh Museum
If you are a fan of art and like Van Gogh's work, then this place is for you. We decided to visit this museum on our free time because I really like Van Gogh's art work. While we saw most of his work actually at Musee D'orsay, I got a glimpse of the yellow blossoms (aka. the sunflowers)

Pre-booking online to enter the exhibition is highly recommended. It is also a timed-ticket.

3) River Cruise and Walking Tour
Honestly, the 3 days in Amsterdam was way too cold for me, so I actually really enjoyed the river cruise because the cruise it self was warm, and I got to learn more about the history of Amsterdam. Here are some of my favourites of this trip, and also my second highlight after the Keukenhof Garden because the SUN FINALLY CAME OUT!

You see, these locks on the bridges are super romantic and pretty. Apparently though it is illegal to do so. In fact, the city has employed workers to removed such locks on bridges like these that make perfect pictures!! Don't be one of those tourists!

Okay, that's all for now! Until next post!

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