
Rainy day in Chiado - A Portugal Adventure

6:53 PM

It’s been awhile since I got a chance to talk about my trip in Lisbon, Portugal. Reminiscing back at my last day in Lisbon, on this hot day, I wouldn’t mind a bit of rain right now to cool down.
My last day in Lisbon was a gloomy and rainy day. The gray clouds kind of just drifted into Lisbon, and the entire day just poured rain. While I was a little set back about the weather, it still didn’t stop me from going about in Chiado.
Before I go into the details of Chiado, let me describe to you the structure of downtown Lisbon. Downtown Lisbon, like most other centres / core in Europe is like a maze. It is like so because back in the day, if a war was to break out, the maze like roads of the city centre can become confusing for strangers/intruders, and gives the locals the advantage. Fast forward to the present, these maze like roads are a pain to go around in the rain. With your umbrellas, it is difficult to see where you are going. Traffic is also a stand still as cars are stuck on the road trying to get out of the city centre.

So while the rain was not the greatest, it allowed me to ‘get lost’ in the city and fully absorb the culture of Portugal… or at least tried to.

1. Arco da Rua Augusta

First stop, was at this beautiful landmark called, Arco da Rua Augusta, that goes to a giant plaza along Rua Augusta with lots of nice little cafes. But before i went through the Arco da Rua Augusta, I made a stop at MUDE – the museum of design, featuring various designs from fashion, interior, industrial, and much much more. The best part was that the admission was free!! What a good start to a rainy adventure?

Unfortunately, I did not go on Arco da Rua Augusta, as it was too windy and rainy. But it’s only 2.5 Euros to go up, on a good day that is. Because of the crazy rain, I made my way to the big square and chilled by a nearby cafe indoors before continuing my way to Chiado.

While it does look super gloomy with super dark clouds from afar, the yellow buildings and white-ish monument does make this a rare site!

Chiado is a great place to shop and eat. And I have the pleasure to introduce you to two places that are pretty historic in Lisbon.

2. Bertrand Books and Music

While I wouldn’t consider myself as a strong literature person, this bookstore was definitely a gem! The store front may not look impressive, but the book store goes on and on, like a tunnel!

And can I please share the wall of “The Little Prince” that I found in this bookstore? Except it’s in Portuguese.

So, what’s so special about this bookstore? Well, Bertrand Books and Music is the oldest book store in the world! They even have a certificate at the front of the store to prove it!

3. Arcadia Chocolate Boutique

Before I head back to the hotel because of the torrential rainfall, I made my way to the best chocolate store in town – Arcadia Chocolate Boutique. There’s only one store in Lisbon. Based out of Porto, these chocolates are pretty special as they have port wine in them. While there are more of these stores in Porto, if you don’t plan to go there, this place is a pretty good place to go if you are looking for some fancier souvenirs!

I even got to taste a few of their chocolates; it was delicious!

And this summarizes the end of my journey in Lisbon, before I head for Porto. Stay tuned for more!

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